Kass Health & WellnessWellness starts within

Meet Katrina Kass, founder and a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.
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Katrina Kass health and wellness coach


My background in behavioral and mental health as a school psychologist has provided me the foundation to be the best coach I can be…



Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.



Health & Wellness Coaching is a process that is rooted in positive psychology & incorporates theories of behavior change …

What is coaching
and is it for me?
Your life, your health

Health and Wellness Coaching is a process that is rooted in positive psychology and incorporates theories of behavior change and motivational interviewing. Health coaching situates the client right at the center of the work and reminds the client that they are the expert. The role of the coach is to act as a partner in guiding the client towards the change they have imagined and to support the development of sustainable habits to actualize their vision of their best state of health. With your values at the heart of our work, there are no limits to the growth you can make.

Removing barriers

I believe that people do well if they can and when they struggle, there is something getting in the way of their success. That is where my work comes in!

Responsive & Inclusive

I believe in being culturally responsive and inclusive in my practice so that I can be an ally and support all who desire my service.


-Amy Beswick

Katrina offered structure, partnership and direction in a direct, thorough and caring manner. She ended up being the perfect coach for me and I made significant progress on my goals. After our work together, I see myself in a more positive, encouraging, and capable light.


I bring the following values and beliefs into the work I do:
1. Integrity
I value integrity in both my personal and professional life. I strive to make the right decisions for the right reasons through a lens of trust, honesty, and WITHOUT judgment.
2. Self-reflection
I value self-reflection and life-long learning which encourages me to be thoughtful and intentional in all aspects of my professional work.
3. Teamwork
I value teamwork. Together we will make progress toward your goals and I look forward to being part of your team.
4. Collaboration
I believe that you are the expert on your own life. I honor and respect that fact and use your expertise to facilitate your own growth towards your best state of health and wellness.

Latest blogs & resources

Read our latest blog posts and find out how can you improve your lifestyle and overall health.
Let’s Talk About It – Week 2
Let’s Talk About It – Week 2
Understanding Trauma and Why “Sucking It Up” No Longer Serves Us   “If we could begin to see much illness itself not as a cruel twist of fate or some nefarious mystery but rather as an expected and therefore normal consequence of abnormal, unnatural circumstances, it would have revolutionary implications for how we approach everything...
Let’s Talk About It – Week 1
Let’s Talk About It – Week 1
“Pull it together. Suck it up. Why am I like this? What was I thinking? Do more. Stress less. Shake it off. Move on. If I can just get through this week, day, year… Fake it till you make it. Never let them see you sweat.” If you are anything like me and millions of...
From Busy to Balanced: Creating Calm in World of Chaos
From Busy to Balanced: Creating Calm in World of Chaos
Recently, I had the fortunate opportunity to co-facilitate a wellness event with 2 amazing coaches. We were surrounded by high-performing women in a beautiful space to inspire wellness. Our focus was to inspire our community to prioritize their wellness to move from a state of busyness to a state of balance. Culturally, we have come to...

Take the next step
towards a better life

Let's start a conversation on how to create a better future for you and your family.

Copyright Kass Health & Wellness