View a list of our frequently asked questions to help you understand how health and wellness coaching works at Kass Health & Wellness.
Katrina Kass health and wellness coach

Are you accepting new clients?

Yes! I am happy to share that I am accepting new clients.
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How often will I have coaching sessions?

This really depends on what you need. In general, we often book 6 sessions roughly two weeks apart so that you have time to put in place the attainable action steps we’ve partnered to develop. This, however, is adapted based on client need and hopes for outcomes.
Katrina Kass Denver health coach

Do you offer an initial phone consultation?

Yes, I believe this is the best way for you to determine if coaching is the right fit for you.

How long will I need coaching?

This too depends on your hopes for outcomes and needs at the time. I often have clients make sustainable progress within 3-6 months time depending on their goals. I also believe that every person is an individual which means my coaching approach and the time in which it takes for my clients to actualize their best state of health is unique to them.

Are you a certified health and wellness coach?

Yes, I have been board certified by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches. This governing body has partnered with the National Board of Medical Examiners to create a certification exam that ensures the credibility of all their coaches.

Do you offer virtual sessions?

Yes, I am able to offer virtual health coaching at this time.

Will coaching work for me?

I have found that coaching is a great tool for anyone looking to make positive changes in their lives. I encourage you to set up an initial phone or virtual consultation to determine if coaching will be a good fit for you.
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Do you accept insurance?

At this time, I do not accept any private insurances or Medicaid.

Does Health and Wellness Coaching qualify as a reimbursable expense under HSA/FSA accounts?

The IRS determines what can be reimbursed by an HSA/FSA. Because health and wellness coaching is an emerging profession it is not yet specified in the IRS code language, however, the IRS has issued guidance to the NBHWC that out-of-pocket costs of health and wellness coaching services can be a “qualified medical expense” if the services are provided for the treatment or prevention of a disease. As such, NBHWC believes that if an individual is referred to health and wellness coaching by their physician as a treatment for a specific disease that the individual either already has, or has an imminent probability of developing, then the individual’s out-of-pocket costs for such services may qualify as a deductible medical expense. Given the current IRS language, if a client/ patient (taxpayer) is referred to health and wellness coaching by their physician as a treatment for a medical condition/disease, this would be reimbursable as outlined above. That said, PLEASE always check with your insurance provider and the company issuing your HSA/FSA prior to engaging in any healthy and wellness coaching services.

Whom should clients talk to regarding the use of an HSA/FSA and how do you receive reimbursement?

Clients should consult their physician to discuss their medical treatment and care plan. If the physician decides that they have a condition that warrants the support of a health and wellness coach, they may recommend that course of treatment. In this instance, NBHWC recommends providing a Medical Letter of Necessity to the patient/client for record-keeping and claim submission. To receive reimbursement for an HSA/FSA, the patient/client needs to follow the instructions outlined in their plan and contact the plan administrator with questions about submitting claims and receipts. Again, please consult your physician and insurance provider prior to using an HSA/FSA account for coaching services to ensure eligibility.

Wellness starts
with you!

Take your first steps today.

Everyone deserves a healthy life!

My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

Copyright Kass Health & Wellness